Market News
Market News

IFC Loan To Uzbek Cotton Firm Risks Fuelling Forced Labour

Four Uzbek nationals have filed a complaint against the World Bank's private sector arm, charging that a US$ 40 million loan..

Market News

Cotton Crisis In Pakistan

According to the Pakistan Economic Survey 2015-16, Pakistan has failed to meet the growth target of 5.5% in FY2016. GDP grew by 4..

Market News

Patagonia's New Study Finds Fleece Jackets Are A Serious Pollutant

The brand commissioned a study to find out how many synthetic microfibres-the tiny bits of plastic that marine scientists say cou..

Market News

Cotton Area Likely To Decrease By 20% In Adilabad

The area under cotton is likely to be reduced by at least 20% in many cotton rich mandals in Adilabad in kharif  2016 if the..

Market News

Ikea To Increase Cotton Sourcing From India

Swedish furniture major Ikea is planning to increase sourcing of cotton from India for its textile requirements as it gears up to..