Market News
Market News

Italian Textile Machinery Exports Slip During Q2 Of 2016

In the second quarter of 2016, the textile machinery orders in Italy have slowed down somewhat but manage to hold their ground, w..

Market News

India Must Work Closely With BIMSTEC To Push Trade: ASSOCHAM

An ASSOCHAM study recommended India to conclude its trade negotiations with the BIMSTEC countries and make attempts to operationa..

Market News

How Will Cotton Behave Over The Next Few Months?

A short supply of cotton is pushing up prices in the India’s domestic market. Cotton spinners are feeling the heat as downs..

Market News

India To Have Its Own Cotton Price Index

In a first, the government is planning to launch a cotton price index taking into account benchmark rates from four different sou..

Market News

Will APEOs Be Eliminated In Textile Production By 2020?

When I asked this question to a friend who works in the CSR department of a global brand, he tapped his cigarette slowly in the a..