
Quality At Affordable Price Is Geron's USP

Geron Card Clothing (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. has been manufacturing and supplying the complete range of card clothing products for all applications since 1964, and is the largest card clothing company in China. Geron is today present in 5382 mills in the world. In conversation with Ashutosh Gilra, Chief Representative in India, during ITMA 2015, we tried to understand what is new from the Geron basket.


What is new from Geron for ITMA?

This is our first time at ITMA, so we were quite hopeful. From the beginning, we have been clear that we wanted to expand globally, and ITMA is the perfect platform for this. It has been a good show, we are enjoying every bit of attention that our presence has brought our way at ITMA.


What are the new products on display this year?

We have got two exclusive products for ITMA - Blue Diamond and Double Card. They are technologically superior and are the first of their kind in the world. We are aiming to market and strategically position these products the world over to create an interest for the same.


You mention markets outside China. So which are the regions you are targeting in this regard?

When we shift our attention outside China, the first priority zone for us then becomes India and then of course Indonesia, Vietnam, Bangladesh and the South East Asian markets. These products will definitely see takers from these regions owing to the quality of the same. Our USP is definitely quality at an affordable price.


Any specific marketing plan to spread the technology ahead?

We are looking forward to a natural progression when it comes to industries in India and Bangladesh, where we are already present for many years now and enjoy a good market. The choice for the decision makers will now be to shift to a higher level of technology with these products. We plan to create awareness about our products in other markets through advertising and exhibition participation.


And why will the spinning mills of these newer regions choose Geron?

Our price speaks for us. We are completely serving the replacement market and it is our quality that spinning mills thrive on and are ready to make use of even when they are using carding machines by big brands like Trutzschler, Rieter, etc. It is genuinely our quality that helps us reach out to the industry. We are trying to secure a stronger hold with the benchmark mills, this will in the longer run ensure a secure walk ahead for us.

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