
KNOT Holds Talk On Smart Use Of Technology

Kushal Network Of Textile (KNOT) conceived and hosted a daylong seminar on “Smart Use of Technology” on 10th October 2015. The seminar was supported by Kushal Textile Institute (A trusted name for synthetic textiles), Standon Consulting (Mumbai), Textile Graph (A voice of textile) and The Textile Association (I) South Gujarat Unit. Textile Excellence offered its support as the media partner for the event. The seminar in Surat, a first of its kind in many ways like theme of seminar, age group of delegation, organizational body etc has created thoughtful impact on the subject discussed. Kushal Network Of Textile “KNOT”, an organization of entrepreneurs and professionals associated with Textile, was established in 2009.


KNOT aims to boost confidence of textile entrepreneurs of Surat, by developing skills among them with knowledge of latest technologies and business trends. With average age of 35 years and 90 % of delegation below 45 years, event evoked a tremendous response which forced the organizers to close registration before 3-days due to lack of space. More than 250 delegates and invitees attended the seminar. The Theme of the seminar was “Smart Use of Technology” (with reference to the weaving industry of Surat). Event was divided into two sessions - first on textile machinery sector followed by yarns and techno economic sector. Dr. R. S. Gandhi, Ex. Director of MANTRA was special invitee to the event and he delivered very inspirational speech to the august gathering.


Well-known textile consultant & CEO of Standon Consulting, Sharad Tandon, chaired the first session. Chetan Londhe, VP– Sales of Picanol India presented paper on “Smart use of technology in weaving”. He explained the need of modern technology with detail technical description of Rapier and Air-jet weaving machines. He described different development stages of these machines and also explained how to select model as per product requirement. Hans Scherpereel, Area Sales Manager, Bonas Textile Machinery elaborated the gathering on new development in electronic jacquards. He illustrated the development in clear shed formation for higher capacity jacquards and also showed concept of using smart creels on weaving machines for warp supply.


Dr. N. N. Mahapatra Vice-President, Business Development, Colorant Ltd., chaired the second session as Chairman. He explained need of knowing new generation yarns and provided good guidance on processing of new fibres like Milk Fibre, Soybean fibre, Pineapple fibre. Kiran Pandya, General Manager, Business Development, Grasim Industries Ltd. talked about new generation viscose fibres like Modal & Excel. He also elaborated on the newly developed Liva brand by Birla Cellulose and company’s assistance from product making to product marketing. Mahesh Maheshwari, Director, Nimbark Fashions delivered paper on fancy yarns produced by them. He discussed in detail about Mahak (Linen Look) Yarn, Glider (Silk Look) Yarn and other varieties of fancy cum blended yarns which they have made considering requirement of end use customers. Sharad Tandon also presented a paper on economic scenario of textile industry & business. He explained about return on investment in jacquard weaving plant in comparison with other normal investment area and discussed potential growth opportunities in home furnishing market.


Finally, Minesh Adhvaryu Chairman, Kushal Network of Textile (KNOT), delivered Vote of Thanks in his very unique style, summarising each paper in local language as well remarking & thanking dignitaries for their very effective & informative presentations and thanking session chairman’s for  conducting the session and creating a healthy question-answer moments. 

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