People with disabilities and chronic diseases became the focus area of a report brought out by Coresight Research which plans to cater to the needs of this category by entering into the fray of adaptive apparel markets. According to the current study report, the market for this segment is acutely underserved and has the potential of reaching USD 349.9 billion globally within a span of four years from now. In the current year the figures have grown to USD 288.7 billion. In the adaptive apparel sector, clothing and garments make use of technologies that will address the requirements of people faced with health issues like mobility and pain. Nike demonstrates this usage with the help of smart phones that can coordinate with self-lacing sneakers. The Coresight Research report was complemented by the World Health Organization which mentioned that globally nearly 15.6% of the population faces disabilities of various kinds. A bigger foray into adaptive apparel will come as a welcome relief to this category of people. Coresight Research report stated that right now schools have commenced educating future designers in inclusive design. Their attempts are on to gather sufficient information on the field. Coresight Reseach expressed the sentiment that the adaptive apparel sector will continue to grow with designers and retailers walking the extra mile to create inclusive designs.
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