
Viscose Prices Maintain Low Profile


Dissolving rayon pulp markets saw few deals concluded short fortnight as markets remained closed during the second half on occasion of Tombs day festival. Prices for hardwood pulp were heard rolling over at US$945-950 per metric ton and softwood pulp at US$1,010-1,040 per metric ton. Filament-grade dissolving pulp prices were stable, amid bearish activity seen. Offers for softwood pulp were around US$1,100 per metric ton. In China, dissolving pulp supply was slowly picking up, and deals were concluded at fresh levels. Hardwood pulp values were steady at 7,300-7,400 Yuan per metric ton (US$1,160-1,175 per metric ton), and softwood pulp at 7,600 Yuan per metric ton (US$1,210 per metric ton).



Viscose staple fibre markets were on a weak note, due to soft confidence. Prices in China were under downward correction as discussions for medium-end and high-end goods dropped. Downstream mills were mainly purchasing smaller need-based lots and talked down the prices. In India, VSF prices remained steady as rising cotton prices and good demand from mills supported the market. In China, offers for medium-end VSF moderated to 14.40-14.60 Yuan per kg (US$2.29-2.32 per kg, down US cents 5) while high-end dropped below 15.00 Yuan per metric ton (US$2.38 per kg down US cents 2). In India, VSF prices were stable at INR144-151 kg (US$2.21-2.32 per kg).

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