
Registration Acceptance For Functional Textiles & Clothing Conference 2018 Begins

Acceptance of registrations for the bi-annual international conference on Functional Textile & Clothing which is being organised by the Textile Department of IIT-Delhi in partnership with the World University of Design, Sonepat and PSG Tech, Coimbatore, has begun.


The conference will be held from February 9 to February 11, 2018, in New Delhi, India.


An international scientific committee comprising of scientists from over 18 countries will oversee the affairs of the conference.


The conference will serve as an interdisciplinary platform for leading academic scientists, researchers, entrepreneurs and market stakeholders to share recent scientific developments, cutting edge technologies, innovations, trends, concerns, challenges and opportunities in the field of functional and smart textiles and clothing.


In addition to technical papers, the conference has announced innovation contests for students in textile and fashion products. Students from across the world have been invited to showcase innovative textile products having application in medical, sports, social or any other field.


Any working prototype, developed by students, as part of a class project can be entered in the competition. The ability of a student to identify a problem, ideate and conceptualise a solution and convert it into a working prototype of a useful product will be assessed.


Innovative fashion products / clothing incorporating an innovative technology have been invited to enter the contest. Any product developed by a student as part of a class project can be entered in the competition.


Poster abstracts have also been invited from students in different areas of functional textiles and clothing. The poster committee would evaluate them for scientific content, aesthetics and originality in the area of presentation.


Manufacturers dealing with functional products, smart textiles, wearables and other such products will also be displaying these at an exhibition which will be part of the event.

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