As Bangladesh emerges among the most important cotton consumer in the world, Cotton USA has organised a trade mission of 12 Bangladesh textile companies across the US cotton belt, to promote US cotton.
The tour, from April 30-May 6, includes multiple meetings with US cotton exporters to help facilitate the export of US cotton to these manufacturers. Cotton Council International (CCI), the National Cotton Council's export promotions arm, is conducting this special trade mission. Bangladesh is the ninth largest market for US cotton, with US export commitments of more than 500,000 bales to date in the 2016-17 marketing year ending July 31. The individual companies participating in this trade mission are expected to consume about 705,000 bales in 2016-17-about 11% of Bangladesh's total cotton consumption.
CCI President Eduardo L. (Eddy) Esteve, a Dallas, TX merchant, said, "Bangladesh imports more cotton than any other country, and only three other countries' textile mills use more cotton. We want to reinforce the fact to these trade mission participants that US cotton is of superior quality and is the world's preferred fibre. We also want to remind these important US cotton customers that we are committed to delivering our fibre to them in a very timely manner."
The tour begins in New York with a CCI briefing and an ICE Futures seminar. During their tour, the Bangladeshi participants will also see cotton research in North Carolina, tour the USDA cotton classing office in Bartlett, TN, and visit a cotton farm and gin in West Texas.
The group also will meet with exporters in the Cotton Belt's four major regions and with these key industry organisations - AMCOT, American Cotton Producers, American Cotton Shippers Association, Cotton Incorporated, Lubbock Cotton Exchange, National Cotton Council, Plains Cotton Growers, Southern Cotton Growers Association, Texas Cotton Association, Western Cotton Shippers Association and Supima.
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