
Australian Medium Micron Wool Witnesses An Export Boost

Demand for medium micron wool is all set for a boost with the advent of a new fabric trend that hits the shop floor making fleece wools from Australia all the more popular.


The new product is a fur-like fabric that resembles the inside of a sheep-skin (ugg) boot. It has succeeded in capturing the imagination of the international markets in a big way. The product has in fact, overshadowed the double-faced woolen fabric which had been a craze till recent times.


The trend has turned evident from the fact that prices paid for 19 to 21 micron wool this season has strengthened in the Australian wool market. The new woolen product is made from 70 percent Merino wool. The remainder comprises crossbred wool. It weighs approximately 970 grams per square metre.


Josh Lamb, export manager of Techwool Trading, has stated that the northern hemisphere’s winter is driving demand for 25 to 27 micron wool this season. At present, China is the leading destination that demands these fur-like coats and heavy skirts.


A variety of greasy wool ranging from 19.5 micron to 27 micron is used to manufacture this product. However, bulk of it is made from 21 to 22 micron wool.


The product is made resilient by using a small portion of comeback and crossbred wool to add weight and reduce cost.  This also helps the product stand up once it is processed. “Traditionally, worsted fabrics comprised the major demand for Merino wool. However, with the development of new blends, new products are being developed which is where the future lies,” explained Lamb. “Even today worsted fabric consumes the majority of Merino fleece wool. However, that’s no more the sole driver of wool prices. The arrival of new products like this provide an impetus to the market and succeed in driving it,” he added.


According to Lamb, “The double-faced woolen fabric coats have been replaced with this new blended product and it has resulted in a decline for carding wool. In wake of the subdued US dollar, the carding market peaked at 1156 US cents per kilogram in January. However, it has now gone soft and stands at 26 US cents per kilogram.”


“Though double-faced fabrics have not done a disappearing act altogether, they are steadily on the decline. Right now there is a cumulative buildup of demand for wool product and fabric in the market. This has almost soaked up the residual demand for double-faced fabrics,” he added.


Lamb also observed that usually new trends last for three year cycles. “However, with the growth in fast fashion, the cycle period has been reduced to 18 months,” he noted. In this context it becomes evident that double faced fabric has not lasted the life-time of a normal-fashion cycle. Competition from cheaper and inferior products has resulted in its premature exit.


Speaking of the new product on a concluding note, he said, “The fabric growers have all reasons to be optimistic at least in the medium term as currently, there are orders from the Chinese government for railway uniforms that focus on 18.5 micron fabric.”

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