Mumbai’s first India handloom brand store was launched on 15th April 2016 at CCIC, D.N. Road, Fort, Mumbai. Actor Dayanand Shetty, in presence of R. M. Parmar Dy. Director, Weavers Service Centre inaugurated the store. Central Cottage Industries Corporation has joined hands with the Office of Development Commissioner (Handloom) in promoting and marketing the India Handloom Branded products by which customer will get authentic and quality products drawn from some of the exotic locations of India, which will be on display and sale at its flagship showroom at Mumbai. “The store is an excellent retail platform provided by CCIC, offering exclusive high quality India Handloom Brand products. The government has been making efforts in popularising indigenous products and this provides an ideal platform to showcase and retail wide array of products in the textile segment that our country has been producing”, said Alok Kumar, Development Commissioner (Handloom)
The showcased collections are made using textiles from across India to create a unique identity and promote the rich Indian culture and heritage. The main focus is to retain the sanctity of the traditional hand-woven textiles while molding the styles for a more contemporary look. Pramod Nagpal, Managing Director, Central Cottage Industries Corporation Of India Limited said, “We are happy to be a part of India Handloom Brand products. The IHB logo will be an assurance to customer of quality and indigenousness”.
Textile Excellence
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