
DCI announces global denim summit Feb 19-20 in Ahmedabad

India has shown remarkable growth in denim production. From a capacity of 650 million metres in 2009, the country today manufactures 1.2 billion metres of denim fabric.


Some of the recent international exhibitions have confirmed renewed interest in denim by taking into consideration the fashion, trends beyond cotton, enhanced use of stretch yarns, super stretch, knitted denims, reentry of pure and dark blues, indigo shirtings and tops, coated and functional denims, recycled products and sustainable denims. India has not lagged behind and is well poised for a major leap taking advantage of the enhanced consumerism and favourable raw material scenario in the country. Newer manufacturing technology, novel dyes and chemicals for sustainable production, innovation in garment washing and finishing as well as growing fashion needs of brand makers and retailers have made industry interaction with the International Denim & Jeans community a must to define the directions and the developmental needs.


To deliberate upon `Whither Denims’, Diagonal Consulting (India) has announced a global summit on `Denims – A Democracy in Fashion’, from February 19-20, 2016, at Ravi Matthai Auditorium, IIM Ahmedabad, Gujarat.


International denim and jeans players, value chain experts, leading brand makers and retailers, researchers, designers, trade channels, policy makers and others are expected to participate.


Some of the topics of discussion include:

1. Denim – The blue-eyed segment of the T&A sector

2. Jeans – The prime mover of the denim industry

3. New face of denim raw materials – Cotton to partner MMF sector

4. Cotton – Present and future status, contribution to future denim growth

5. Technology and the denim value chain

6. Product innovation and process development – Sustainability

7. Dyes, chemicals, auxiliaries – A new turning point

8. Jeans – An enlightened `crowd’ views

9. Ecommerce and current retailing for denim apparel sector

10. Indian fashion industry – Denim to drive?

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