Market News
Market News

India: Cotton arrivals in North start, price zooms by 25%

Cotton crop has started arriving in the markets of Punjab and Haryana, and growers can hope for a remunerative price this season...

Market News

Pakistan: Cotton market steady

Steady conditions prevail in Pakistan’s cotton market as buyers picked up any sale offer that came their way. The tight see..

Market News

India: Cotton losing to soyabean in Vidarbha

Area under cotton cultivation is fast dwindling in Vidarbha as farmers shift to more lucrative crops, like soyabean. In Amravati ..

Market News

Australia: 9% drop in cotton output estimated due to drought

Farmers will pick about 4 million bales of 227 kilograms (500 pounds) from an estimated 4.4 million bales in 2012-2013, according..

Market News

India: Duty drawback rates for T&C exports hiked

The Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC) has welcomed the hike in duty drawback rates. Last week, the Finance Ministry has rat..