Market News
Market News

Next Step For Sourcing? Go Where No Supply Chain Has Gone Before

Sourcing Summit 2017 When it comes to sourcing trends, speed to market is so last season. Now, it's about creating an enti..

Market News

India's Cotton Yield To Decline On Whitefly, Pink Bollworm Attacks

In a major disappointment for new entrant farmers, cotton crop has come under severe pest and bollworm attacks in major producing..

Market News

India: Cotton Sowing Begins On A Strong Note

Sowing of cotton has begun on a strong note in the key growing regions of North India such as Punjab and Haryana, and Southern Ka..

Market News

Will US Cotton Export Sales Hit A New Record In 2017-18 Season?

From March 2017, 2016-17 US cotton export sales continue to be stronger than expected, and the United States Department of Agricu..

Market News

Indian Cotton Output Seen Rising 4% To 34.5 M Bales

Cotton output is expected to increase 4% to 34.5 million bales (of 170 kg each) in the cotton year ending September on the back o..