Market News
Market News

Vietnam's Cotton Imports Decline In April, 2020

Vietnam imported 141.2kt of cotton in April, 2020, basically flat from a year ago, but down 12% from previous month. In the first ..

Market News

Japanese Textile And Apparel Import Demand Collapsed In First Quarter

According to the latest data, Japanese textile and apparel imports in March reached 216,500 tons, down by 2% year-on-year, while t..

Market News

Bangladesh's Cotton Consumption To Bounce Back

In 2020-21 marketing year (MY), Bangladesh's raw cotton production is forecast to slightly increase over current MY (2019-20) to 1..

Market News

USDA Sees Higher New Crop Cotton, Ending Stocks

The USDA expects a bigger carryout for US cotton and rice in the coming marketing year. New crop cotton ending stocks are seen ..

Market News

Demand For US Cotton Continues To Fall

Demand for cotton has plummeted across the world. It's reflected in the latest cotton prices update. They show cotton futures pric..