Dyeing, Printing, Processing
Dyeing, Printing, Processing

CITME 2012 Successful, ITMA Asia brand takes a beating

The well hyped ITMA Asia + CITME 2012 has come to a conclusion on June 16, 2012 after a being in business for five days. While th..

Dyeing, Printing, Processing

Raymond’s Online Model Hunt received huge attention from youths

Phani Kumar from Hyderabad won the competition Raymond, India’s leading textile and apparel brand crowned Mr. Phani Kuma..

Dyeing, Printing, Processing

World Cotton Research Conference starts in Mumbai, held for the first time

The Indian Society for Cotton Improvement (ISCI), Mumbai in collaboration with the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)..

Dyeing, Printing, Processing

CITI Chairman highlights financial problems and skill development needs of

CITI Chairman highlights financial problems and skill development needs of textile industry. The 53rd Annual General Meeting of C..

Dyeing, Printing, Processing

India: Commerce Minister Anand Sharma given responsibility of Textile Minis

The Indian Government has re-shuffled its cabinet on July 12. Anand Sharma, current Minister for Commerce and Industry has been g..